Company Introduction



In 2000 year we established Artec Alloy Frame Manufacture Co.,Ltd in China area to satisfiy the increasingly purchased demand of the frame from our own trading company,we produce various alloy frames(7005) and steel frames to satisfy the requirement of local and overseas customers. In 2005 year we increased the new equipments of T4/T6 heat treated stove to produce the Alloy frame with new material (6061/6066) to satisfy the demand of market and customer in order to provide more option and more competitive price to help them expand the whole world market.

2000 年為滿足自身貿易公司自行車架採購量日益增加的需要,于深圳成立偉強車業製造廠,從事各類鋁合金車架(7005)及鐵車架的生產,充分滿足國內外客戶的眾多需求。2005年為因應市場及客戶的需求,投資增設生產6061/6066材質T4 /T6熱處理爐和周邊配備,以期望能提供更多元化的選擇和更具競爭力的價格拓展全球的市場。